Development of FunLog++ compiler and runtime environment is a scientific
non-commercial Pro.M.D. subproject. English or German speaking students
in computer science or mathematics are invited to write her/his diploma
thesis in the Pro.M.D. project.
open themes for a diploma
FunLog++ codegenerator to Java VM code
Optimizing FunLog++ compiler pass
Maintenance tool for Pro.M.D./FunLog++ programs/knowledge bases
Explanation function for Pro.M.D./FunLog++
FunLog++ class library for dynamic models
FunLog++ class library for semiknown strings
finished diploma
theses (1988-1998)
Incremental Pro.M.D. compiler (Bubser 1988)
Pro.M.D. frontend with forms (Müller 1989)
Concept for uncertain data in Pro.M.D. (Walther 1992)
Data flow analysis in Pro.M.D. (Melzer 1993)
Object oriented knowledge in Pro.M.D. (Burow 1994)
FunLog++ cross compiler to Java source code (Schmidt 1998)
Algebra of stochastic variables in FunLog++ (Galic 1998)
Frontend for distributed Pro.M.D./FunLog++ systems (Amadou 1998)
Contact: Bernhard Pohl